For new applications and renewals, please ensure that the status of your application on the TSS platform indicates: “Verification appointment” before going to the BAP.
If your application shows any other status, you will not be processed at your appointment.
The booking site is available online via this link. Time slots open at 3:30 p.m. for the next business day (Friday for Monday).
The booking site is available online via this link.
Appointment Types
Most of the APO’s service are offered via appointment. Before booking an appointment, make sure that you have all the required documents and select the right type of appointment.
New Request
If you don’t have a valid security clearance, or if it is expired (5 years), you must submit a new request to Transport Canada.
If your security clearance expires soon, you must submit a renewal request to Transport Canada. If your security clearance has already expired, you must submit a new request.
Once your Transportation Security Clearance Application (TSCA) has been approved by Transport Canada, you must go to the APO to obtain your RAIC (red card).
To obtain an Airside Vehicle Operator Permit, you must pass both theoretical and practical exams. Depending on the required AVOP (D, DA, DA/R), the duration of the exams varies.
Required Documents
For your request to be processed, it is essential that you have all the required documents with you. Only original copies will be accepted. Documents vary depending on the appointment type and your status. View the list of documents online.
Instructions for booking an appointment online
When booking your appointment, make sure to have the following information:
First name, last name, date of birth
Email address
Phone number
Airport pass number (if applicable)
Employer’s name
Type of appointment required
Once your appointment is booked, you will receive a confirmation by email. You will need to show your confirmation upon your arrival at the APO.
YUL: Here are some tips and tricks for booking an appointment at 3:30 p.m.:
Due to the high traffic on the website, you may need to refresh the page
It is recommended to use a computer with a wired Internet connection
Time slots opening at 3:30 for the next business day, it is normal that the calendar shows no availabilities for the next three months
If, after multiple tentatives, you are not able to book an appointment, please contact your authorized signing officer (employer).
Services offered without an appointment
Some services of the APO are available without an appointment. You need to present yourself to the reception counter. You can:
Obtain a visitor pass (valid for 24 hrs)
Return an airport pass that: is expired, you found, or the holder no longer requires in the course of their duties
For any request related to the APO at the International Aerocity of Mirabel, please contact us via email: